COVID-19 Collateral

COVID-19 Collateral

COVID-19 Vaccination Flyer
Facebook Live COVID-19 Fundraiser

COVID-19 Outreach

Part of our job is to assist our clients with visual ways to compel their audience, in this case our community, to stay up-to-date on the latest COVID-19 information.

Utilizing a call center, flyers with vaccination locations and social media posts promoting hand washing, social distancing and other precautions to help keep people well.

Think Pink

Think Pink

Think Pink

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness month. Every year Memorial promotes awareness by providing discounted mammogram and bone DEXA scan certificates. These help make annual screenings more affordable for the community.

  • DESIGN: Belinda Mallery, Shannon Patterson

Think Pink Direct Mail

Think Pink Postard Front
Think Pink Postcard Back

Think Pink Discount Certificates

Think Pink Mammogram Certificate
Think Pink DEXA Certificate

Think Pink Magazine Ad

Think Pink Magazine Ad

Think Pink Digital Ads

Think Pink Digital Ads
Robotic Assisted Surgery

Robotic Assisted Surgery

Robotic Assisted Surgery

Memorial Hospital in Gulfport has a state-of-the-art robotic assisted surgery suite. The robotic-assisted surgery team continue to create milestones of successful procedures. Experience matters when choosing the right surgeon. We highlight these accomplishments periodically throughout the year.

  • ART DIRECTION + DESIGN: Bonnie Blackledge
  • DESIGN: Belinda Mallery, Shannon Patterson
  • COPY + SCRIPT DEVELOPMENT: Bonnie Blackledge
  • PHOTOGRAPHY + VIDEOGRAPHY: David Thornton, Jeff Harrison
  • EDIT: Jeff Harrison

Patients Ask Me – Robotic Assisted Surgery Shows

Robotic Assisted Surgery Magazine Ads

Think Pink

Heart Month

Heart Month

Memorial Hospital in Gulfport annually promotes heart health during February in conjunction with the American Heart Association. Memorial Physician Clinics Cardiologists were featured in the campaign for 2017.

  • ART DIRECTION + DESIGN: Bonnie Blackledge
  • DESIGN: Belinda Mallery, Shannon Patterson
  • PHOTOGRAPHY + EDIT: Jeff Harrison
  • COPY/SCRIPT DEVELOPMENT: Bonnie Blackledge
  • DIRECTOR: David Thornton

Heart Month Broadcast Series Playlist


Heart Month Magazine Ad

Heart Month Magazine Ad

Heart Month WLOX Home Page Ads


Heart Month WLOX Home Page Ads
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